Materialentwicklung Biokomposite Nachhaltigkeit Wertstoffe Reststoffen
Recycables gained from waste

Earn money from your own granulate

FluidSolids’ technology enables you to produce your own biocomposites in-house – from your very own bio waste and designed to your specifications.

The highly adaptable technology makes it possible to use many bio-based residuals and almost all cellulosic residuals. Irrespective of where these bio-based residuals are generated – during cultivation, production or the processing of your finished products – in close cooperation with FluidSolids Ltd. you can develop them into a biocomposite that is tailored to your needs. Starting from the type of residue all the way to the desired characteristics of the newly produced material.

As the FluidSolids platform is extremely flexible, it can be integrated in existing manufacturing processes. It can be set up and used to manufacture your own biocomposite from your production waste on site – matching the specifications designed by you.

Materialentwicklung Biokomposite


FluidSolids Ltd. develops bespoke formulations to suit customer’s needs.



  • Implementation into existing production plants
  • Bespoke material solutions

Saving potential

  • Transport costs: delivery costs rendered obsolete as production happens in-house
  • Waste disposal costs: waste streams are turned into profit
  • Procurement costs: biocomposite need is met by own production
  • Energy costs: low energy consumption for production and processing

Risk management

  • Planning security in case of changes in law Link
  • Planning security in case of rising oil prices and growing raw material costs


  • Improving overall environmental balance

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Integrated solution provider

Technologie Biokomposite Nachhaltigkeit

Waste as resource